I Miss Garp, Thank You John Irving

June 11, 2009 at 9:31 pm (Book Thoughts)

Sometimes there are characters we can’t forget.  T.S. Garp is one of those characters.  Last November I read The World According to Garp by John Irving.  Since then not only have I purchased the majority of his books, but I’ve also spent a lot of time thinking about Jenny Fields, Helen, talented bears, and Walt with “the undertoad.” 

Even last night as I began a new book with promising characters I wanted Garp. 

We all have favorite characters we miss or even characters we just can’t shake loose no matter how hard we try.  Recently, I read Brenda Novak’s Stillwater series and I’m still feeling creeped out by Joe.  He was just one of those guys you’re thankful you don’t know in real life.  Or maybe some of you do. 

It’s funny how certain emotions will bring back a character.  When I was in high school I read The End of the Affair by Graham Greene.  Now, years later, every time I feel sad I think of Bendrix and one specific line in the book when he’s missing Sarah.

Even vacancy was crowded with her.

That quote always gets to me. 

Now I must do what every reader inevitably does– read the next book.  I will meet new characters, fall in love with them, fear them, hate them, but I will always miss Garp.  He was special.


  1. Mary said,

    I have always always always wanted to be Jo from Little Women. Seriously, since like the 4th grade. And I always sortof thought she should’ve married Laurie, but I guess I came to grips with that in high school. I’ve always hated Holden Cauffield so much I can’t read Catcher in the Rye — never finished it.

  2. Monster Paperbag said,

    I just read The World According to Garp. I was just blown away. My favorite character is Helen.

  3. Patty said,

    Shamefully, I still haven’t read this yet, thought I’ve been meaning to. I think your post has convinced me to stop by the library this week and pick up a copy. Btw, have you seen Irving’s page on Infloox? Just came across it and found some interesting info there about his favourite books and authors who inspired his writing. More to add to my reading list! 🙂

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